Sociology is a fascinating topic. As humans, defining and labeling the behaviors of the generations helps shine a light on how societal norms change and shape the fabric of our families, communities, the country, and the world. The biggest social shifts of the past few decades have occurred in the realm of technology. The news is filled with how the world wide web, cell phones, and social media have changed the way society thinks and responds to life’s challenges. These new challenges lead to a mindset of despair, yet hope is the opposite of despair. History proves that change is a constant force requiring resilience and adaptation. 

Hope is the key to nurturing resilience and adaptation both personally and in our communities. Hope is a strong and confident expectation. Hope is dynamic and never passive. Hope changes how we see ourselves and the world around us. Hope changes what we value and how we instill those values through the generations. Hope affects what we do with our lives, the gifts, talents, and treasures we store up. Hope in action guides you in the direction of something greater. Hope is contagious and provides light in a dark world.

Cultivating hope starts with self-exploration, understanding personal values, and how they affect positive decision-making skills. Community builds hope when connecting to others who share similar values to provide a safe space to explore solutions together. A healthy community provides a safe support network for emotional healing and processing. Trust is often used as a definition of hope. Trust in a support network provides a feeling of safety and helps overcome the fear of the unknown. Trust is built through unconditional love. Nothing on this side of heaven is perfect, but we can strive to love boldly and trust the Creator who already overcame the chaos of this crazy world. Investing personal energy into cultivating hope changes perspective and drives light into a desperate world.

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